Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Parable - Definition and Examples of Parables

A story, usually short and simple, that illustrates a lesson. The parable is related to the exemplum in classical rhetoric. Parables And The New Testament Some of the best known parables are those in the New Testament. Certain longer works of modern literature--such as Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad and the fiction of Franz Kafka--are sometimes regarded as secular parables. Biblical Parables The legs of the lame are not equal: so is a parable in the mouth of fools.(Proverbs 26:7, The Bible) Secular Parables The Blind Men and the Elephant by John Godfrey Saxe There were six men of Hindustan,to learning much inclined,Who went to see an elephant,though all of them were blind,That each by observationmight satisfy his mind.The first approached the elephant,and happening to fallAgainst his broad and sturdy side,at once began to bawl,This mystery of an elephantis very like a wall.The second, feeling of the tusk,cried, Ho, what have we here,So very round and smooth and sharp?To me ’tis mighty clear,This wonder of an elephantis very like a spear.The third approached the elephant,and happening to takeThe squirming trunk within his hands,thus boldly up and spake,I see, quoth he,the elephant is very like a snake.The fourth reached out an eager hand,and felt above the knee,What this most wondrous beastis like is very plain, said he.Tis clear enough the elephantis very like a tree.The fifth who chanced to touch the earsaid, E’en the blindest manCan tell what this resembles most;deny the fact who can;This marvel of an elephantis very like a fan.The sixth no sooner had begunabout the beast to grope,Than seizing on the swinging tailthat fell within his scope;I see, said he, the elephantis very like a rope.So six blind men of Hindustandisputed loud and long,Each in his own opinionexceeding stiff and strong;Though each was partly in the right,they all were in the wrong!br/>MORAL:So oft in theologic wars,The disputants, I ween,Rail on in utter ignoranceOf what each other mean,And prate about an ElephantNot one of them has seen! The Invention of Letters SOCRATES: I heard, then, that at Naucratis, in Egypt, was one of the ancient gods of that country, the one whose sacred bird is called the ibis, and the name of the god himself was Theuth. He it was who invented numbers and arithmetic and geometry and astronomy, also draughts and dice, and, most important of all, letters. Now the king of all Egypt at that time was the god Thamus, who lived in the great city of the upper region, which the Greeks call the Egyptian Thebes, and they call the god himself Ammon. To him came Theuth to show his inventions, saying that they ought to be imparted to the other Egyptians. But Thamus asked what use there was in each, and as Theuth enumerated their uses, expressed praise or blame, according as he approved or disapproved. The story goes that Thamus said many things to Theuth in praise or blame of the various arts, which it would take too long to repeat; but when they came to the letters, This invention, O king, said Theuth, will make the Egyptians w iser and will improve their memories; for it is an elixir of memory and wisdom that I have discovered. But Thamus replied, Most ingenious Theuth, one man has the ability to beget arts, but the ability to judge of their usefulness or harmfulness to their users belongs to another; and now you, who are the father of letters, have been led by your affection to ascribe to them a power the opposite of that which they really possess. For this invention will produce forgetfulness in the minds of those who learn to use it, because they will not practice their memory. Their trust in writing, produced by external characters which are no part of themselves, will discourage the use of their own memory within them. You have invented an elixir not of memory, but of reminding; and you offer your pupils the appearance of wisdom, not true wisdom, for they will read many things without instruction and will therefore seem to know many things, when they are for the most part ignorant and hard to get along with, since they are not wise, but only appear wise. PHAEDRUS: Socrates, you easily make up stories o f Egypt or any country you please. (Plato, Phaedrus, translated by H. N. Fowler) Parable of the Scorpion Theres a story I heard as a child, a parable, and I never forgot it. A scorpion was walking along the bank of a river, wondering how to get to the other side. Suddenly he saw a fox. He asked the fox to take him on his back across the river.The fox said, No. If I do that, youll sting me, and Ill drown.The scorpion assured him, If I did that, wed both drown.The fox thought about it, finally agreed. So the scorpion climbed up on his back, and the fox began to swim. But halfway across the river, the scorpion stung him.As the poison filled his veins, the fox turned to the scorpion and said, Why did you do that? Now youll drown, too. I couldnt help it, said the scorpion. Its my nature.(Robert Beltran as Commander Chakotay in Scorpion. Star Trek: Voyager, 1997) David Foster Wallaces Fish Story There are these two young fish swimming along, and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says, Morning, boys, hows the water? And the two young fish swim on for a bit, and then eventually one of them looks over at the other and goes, What the hell is water? . . .None of this is about morality, or religion, or dogma, or big fancy questions of life after death. The capital-T Truth is about life before death. It is about making it to 30, or maybe 50, without wanting to shoot yourself in the head. It is about simple awareness--awareness of what is so real and essential, so hidden in plain sight all around us, that we have to keep reminding ourselves, over and over: This is water, this is water.(David Foster Wallace, commencement speech at Kenyon College, Ohio. The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2006, ed. by Dave Eggers. Mariner Books, 2006) Parables in Politics Right now, as [Elizabeth] Warren and [Scott] Brown meet voters, they are telling their stories as political parables, loaded with ideas about opportunity versus just deserts, social investment versus making your own way, fairness versus the free market. The ordinary Massachusetts voter--the kind who doesn’t tune in until the last minute--will have to choose between two story lines. They will talk about it this way: he’s a small-town Wrentham boy who solves problems based on facts, while she’s a leftist ideologue from Harvard. Or they will talk about it this way: he’s a lightweight with a pretty face and a truck; she’s a real person who will fight off the banks and others trying to ruin the middle class. They will assess which one is more likable and sincere. They will (or won’t) be pulled to the polls by more politically motivated neighbors. In such haphazard ways, Massachusetts independents will decide one of the most closely watched and pos sibly most expensive races of the 2012 campaign, outside the presidency.(E.J. Graff, Elizabeth Warren: Yes She Can? The Nation, April 23, 2012) Etymology From the Greek, to compare Also see: AllegoryAnecdoteExemplumFableHomileticsThe Little Girl in Lavender Spats by Don MarquisNarration  and  NarrativeVignetteThe Whistle by Benjamin Franklin   Pronunciation: PAR-uh-bul Also Known As: exemplum, fable

Monday, December 23, 2019


Chapter II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter presents both foreign and local related literatures relevant to the study. This relevance is shown by the proponents in order to give more reason and understanding of the proposition. Related Literature and Studies Downsides in Caffeine New research from John Hopkins Medical School shows that performance increases due to caffeine intake are the result of caffeine drinkers experiencing a short-term reversal of caffeine withdrawal. In essence, coming off caffeine reduces your cognitive performance and has a negative impact on your mood. Drinking caffeine triggers the release of adrenaline. When caffeine puts your brains and body into this hyper-aroused state, your emotions†¦show more content†¦Potential Prostate Cancer Treatment, Green tea compounds were the delivery mechanism, bringing the radioactive gold nanoparticles to the tumors. The gold was then able to kill the cancer cells, ABC News reported. Boosting function in old age. The research, which included 14,000 adultys ages 65 older over a 3-year period, showed that the ones who drank the most green tea had the best functioning in old age compared with those who drank the least. Lowers blood pressure. Drinking black tea could slightly decrease blood pr essure, according to a study in the Archives of Internal Medicine. Aids Weight Loss. Drinking 5 cups a day is linked with weight loss, particularly in decreasing belly fat, Health.com reported. Coffee and Its Relation to College Students The truth is that coffee, like anything consumed in excess, can be very harmful for the body. However, there are also positive effects to use of the substance, which many students may also be unaware of. Fourth-year Chicano/Chicana studies major and education minor Rosio Almaguier, says she experienced headaches, anxiety and â€Å"jittery-ness† while she still drank a lot of coffee (4-5 times a week), but admits, â€Å"I just liked the awake feeling and the flavor. That’s why I kept drinking it.† However, she decided to lower her intake after deciding to run in the Sta. Barbara marathon, saying that â€Å"coffee dehydrated me and gave me momentary energy, but then I felt really sleepy. I drink tea now,Show MoreRelated_x000C_Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis355457 Words   |  1422 PagesWindows is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation used herein under license. Macintosh and Power Macintosh ar e registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Used herein under license. Library of Congress Control Number: 2006933904 Student Edition: ISBN-13: 978-0-495-11873-2 ISBN-10: 0-495-11873-7 ââ€"   To my nephews, Jesse and Luke Smidt, who bet I wouldn’t put their names in this book. R. P. ââ€"   To my wife, Sally, and my daughter, Anna C. O. ââ€"   To Carol, Allie, and Teri

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Violent Music and It’s Impact on children Free Essays

Violent Music and it Impact on Children Causes and Impact of Emotional, Financial, and Physical Abuse of the Elderly Augustine Reeves Delaware Community County College April 16 2014 Introduction Does violent music really impact children life? We asked these questions every day, but do we get the right answers? This is unpredictable. No one knows what will be the outcome if we do not have music in our life. When I was a kid music was part of my every day activities. We will write a custom essay sample on Violent Music and It’s Impact on children or any similar topic only for you Order Now Rap, RB, Country etc. Was profanities used in those songs? Yes. Did I used them in the streets? Yes. But does it really makes us who we are today. Different Medias Anderson, Carnage, and Banks(2003) emphasize the differences between Medias which one is more effective. Such as watching music videos and listening to audios only music. Is it more effective for a kid to do what he or she saw in the video, then saying what he or she heard in a music lyric. Music videos are more doable for children. Children will most likely take what they saw and transform it in their way of doing. The why Most parents who cares about their children behaviors will always block musical channels like B. E. T and M. T. V, and would rather allow their children to sites to MPH music. In other to imitates a music lyric, you have to be a good listener, how to use to lyrics in different ways. Violent Music lyrics Impact on Children When listening to audio music with lyric, it increases thought, aggression, and emotions feeling on children. Most words that are used in lyrics are aggressive and nonaggression. According to Exposure to Violent Music, Craig A. Anderson, Nicholas L. Carnage, and Jeanie Banks(2003) did an experiment on Aggressive and Nonaggression words. Aggressive Words blood, fight hurt wound butcher gun choke hatchet knife Nonaggression Words alley drugs police stick animal movie red bottle night rock The experiment was to allow college students to listen to music with these aggressive words and nonaggression words and see what will be the outcome, and heir behaviors. The outcome was very clear that after the experiment was over the students who listened to the aggressive music had more negative feeling and aggressive thought of doing something, then the student who listened to the non- aggressive songs. Children have the mind of believing anything they hear or sees. Children who listens to aggressive music believe that they do not need to go to school, they believe they can sell drugs, become a rapper themselves, not listening to their parents because that what they heard while listening to aggressive music. That how aggressive music can impact children life. Violent Music video Impact on Children life According to helping to Curb Youth Violence, Jan L. Peterson and Russ Newman (2000) believed that youth between the age 12 and 24 year face the highest risk of being involves in violent acts and most likely involved in being kill. About nearly 60% of kid death are result of violent behaviors. Such as, homicide, accidents, gang fighting, dating assault etc. Because youth spend almost 6 to 12 hours a day watching MET, B. E. T, Youth, and other music channels. Musical videos is more about sexual oriented acts. It is said that teen who listen to rap video become more involve in violent dating. Musical videos are influenced and threaten to children. Conclusion I believe to that my thinking, my movement, my thoughts have something to do with music. As a youth I believe the image of music, the words, the videos act should be limited. But at the same time we cannot live without these things in our life no matter how risky it is. Life can be very stressful especially for the elderly. Sometime it is hard to imagine how life would be financially when getting older and knowing you won’t be able to work and support your family. Situation like those can lead to depression, emotions, and can sometime lead to violent in the family. Most elderly realize that they cannot depend on social security tax anymore. Financial Exploitation on Elderly According to Shells L. Jackson and Thomas L. Haberdasher (2012), financial exploitation is defined as the illegal or improper use of an elderly person’s funds, property, or assets. It is said that elderly victims annually loss $2. 9 billion to financial exploitation in Midlife 2009. Those lost can be very effective on the elderly because these are something they worked for their life. Retirement is what every individual wants so they can rest and enjoy what they worked for. But how do they lead to depression? As a retire person it is hard to replace a lost assets. Therefore it can lead to loss of independence and security for an elderly person. With that situation the person have to rely on a family member, or even going far as getting on social welfare. For that season it can lead to self-decline, depression, even suicide attempt. What leads to Depression on Elderly? Depression does not really start with someone already at the age of 65. It can start with a person at age of 17 and follow till they are in their ass’s. According to The relationship between stress and depression, Vivian Kraal], Simms Seekers, and Ella Remains state that life events in relation to physical, sexual, and emotional abuse and maltreatment during childhood. For example, a 16 year old girl lost both parents at that age she will most like be depress and might affect her life going forward. Elderly depression can also come from lack of financially assistance at a young age. A person who can work, or work and not save enough for the future can lead to depression. Because at the age of 50 they to worry about who will take care of them, they’ll to worry about going to nursing home. Causes of Physical Abuse on Elderly Elderly people experience more physical abuse then others. Some causes of physical abuse on elderly are domestic violence and caregiver problem. Family issues come with domestic violence. The process of an elderly person living with a spouse can be trustful especially if the elder is sick or have mental issues. Sometime it can be financial problem. Buying all the medication, the food, and cloths. If the spouse not doing to responsibility it is consider as an abuse. The next one is caregivers. Sometime caregivers are having their own problem. It may be personal issues, psychological issues, and mental issues. The risk is very high when someone with these situation life with an elder. Physical Abuse can come when a sick elderly refuses to take his or her medication especially when it is at a consistence rate. The receiver can become to scream, names calling, and sometimes lead to hitting the elderly person. Conclusion Most elderly people are committing suicide because of how they are treated, how abuses people are to them, losing the asset makes them believe life is not worth living. Stress and depression mostly causes heart attack on elderly people. People work hard and save to live in the future, so let them live to the fullest of it. Reference Page Anderson, A. C. , Carnage, L. N. , Banks, J. (2003). Exposure to violent media: The effects of Songs with violent lyrics on aggressive thoughts and feelings. How to cite Violent Music and It’s Impact on children, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Application of the Concept of Organizational Culture Essay Sample free essay sample

The concern universe in these modern-day times calls for an enlargement of kingdom if that concern is to last. It is non any longer common for a concern house to be lodging on one state. one beginning. and one civilization. Large companies are spread outing their districts. traversing boundaries and infinite into a new universe with promises of success. The extend of their crossing can be seen as international. since they exceed the definitions of their ain civilization. Multinational companies are as such. making extensions of their chief office at different states. or stated in a better manner. different nationalities. This whole construct of enlargement certainly has its benefits. This globalisation tendency means a greater distribution scope of merchandises and services. Companies get a bigger pool of possible costumiers on which they can sell their goods. This besides means a bigger opportunity for market and a greater possibility of increasing their gross revenues. Expansion would besides assist in the scattering of engineering to other states. Merchandises non plausible to be made in a state can be introduced by globalisation. And in the long tally. the engineering used can be easy absorbed and integrated in that specific state. Although really promising and hopeful in the far terminal. globalisation and enlargement are faced with a batch of hurdlings every measure of the manner. One of the toughest is the cultural differences between two states. This factor can greatly impact the success or failure of a certain company. It is able to perforate all facets of the concern universe. and a individual failing can do the ruin of the company. How can civilization impact a company? It would be better first to specify civilization. Culture in simple words is the manner of life of a certain group of people. It is a set of norms. patterns. rites. and everything else that can be associated with that group ( Shein. 1997 ) . Regional civilization therefore pertains to the civilization nowadays at a certain location. someplace of another state and another state. Therefore. making concerns internationally requires the crossing of two or even many different civilizations. There exists a impression of cultural differences between all of those involved in the concern. be it the employer or the employee. These differences can run from subtle to the most obvious. but all creates an consequence on the overall position of a company. Take for illustration linguistic communication. Language is one specifying factor nowadays in civilization – one can cognize the speaker’s beginning by his or her manner of speaking. This poses a great challenge of communicating between two individuals of different civilizations. Although English is said to be the â€Å"universal language† . you can non anticipate every individual one in the universe to cognize English the manner the Americans do. Or neither can a British company expect all of their employees to hold the Brit’s natural speech pattern. The differences in linguistic communications create a barrier between two co-workers. doing frames of miscommunication and misinterpretation. Strains and edginess can besides be the consequence of these differences. Simple things such as gags can be amusing to one and annoying to the other. Pigeonholing are besides common. pulling decisions about one’s personality based on their known history or civilization. Tensions and battles are so easy conjured up. doing deterrent production ( Burman ) . Cultural differences would besides intend struggles in traditions and imposts ( Nellen. 1997 ) . These are wide classs. but however can interrupt or do a company. Traditions can run from part specific holidays to limitations on nutrient. from gestures to vesture. Some employees are non ready to give up their traditions and merely absorbed those of their employers. These struggles can do terrible harm non merely to the company. but besides to the person’s repute every bit good. Finally. unqualified work moralss can besides be brought upon by cultural differences. This causes people to work in different waies. being non-productive and non-constructive ( Zats. 1994 ) . Emphasis should be placed in the thought of waies. since different civilizations do non needfully intend broken employees. Each individual on their ain history likely believes that their way is right and would profit the company. But ever retrieve that in an organisation ; whether in school. household. or economic sciences. all must indicate to a individual end. A concern organisation is besides a group of people. and being as such. should incorporate a civilization common to all. It is non necessary to alter traditions. enforce on new beliefs or curtail types of apparels for these are thoughts found in a regional civilization. This is an organisation. and the â€Å"organizational culture† is the 1 that should be imposed or modified. It is hence a manager’s undertaking to oversee the creative activity of this civilization. By making so. he must foremost be cognizant of the job – the differences brought approximately by changing civilizations doing slow or impeded growing of the company. It is besides of import that the director protrudes his authorization over the others. but does non except them in the squad. He must so be able to pass on brightly in relaying these jobs onto others. The director must besides be able call upon the squad. and steer them in traveling towards a individual way ( Zats. 1994 ) . The replies to jobs are non peculiarly the manager’s load. but he must seek to intercede a sort of solution that all would hold on. This solution may non be his – it can come from any member of the squad. but the director should see that everyone understood it and are more than willing to force through and do it go on. Finally. the director must be unfastened at all times. He must be ready to absorb cognition from all possible beginnings. He must be able to understand all types of individuals. take into consideration their cultural differences when turn toing to them. In fact. merchandises that are to be produced must be made after consent from different representatives of different possible civilizations ; non merely regional civilizations. but by other group-related such as age and gender ( Fast Company ) . In the same line. directors must be able to analyze the civilization of prospective clients in order to delight them. A telephone. for illustration. would be used otherwise by an American when compared to an Italian ( Burman ) . These culture-driven actions can used to beef up a company’s border on telephone engineering for the two different locations. for illustration. Most significantly. directors must be able to accept his failures and learn from it. Shein ( Nellen. 1997 ) officially defined civilization as A form of shared basic premises that the group learned as it solved its jobs of external version and internal integrating. that has worked good plenty to be considered valid and. hence. to be taught to new members as the right manner you perceive. believe. and experience in relation to those jobs. He states that merely by larning from experiences can an organisation create a civilization. which should be instantly passed on and taught to the new members. This manner. errors done in the yesteryear will non be repeated and methods of productivity will digest. Directors are normally sent abroad to work at different locations. and this can be a challenge for most since it requires covering with different civilizations. A large inquiry so is how much can a director affect these changing civilizations in order to make a individual. productive one? As stated above. directors do non needfully necessitate to alter regional civilizations. non even their ain. In fact. many did non hold to in order to win. William J. Holstein. the editor in head of Chief Executive Magazine explained that directors working abroad do non lose their Americanism ; they merely gain a planetary position of the concern ( Holstein. 2004 ) . This would so besides mean that merchandises of a certain company would stay their ain up to any extent. regardless of the huge proportions of cultural exchange that might hold happened. A company’s merchandise. or marketable service exists as a portion of the organization’s civilization of all time since. By conveying it to other states. the company is simply sharing this civilization to others – something that the others can bask. but must non have without any legal permission from its proprietor. This manner. the individuality of the company is still present. In decision. a good managed organisation is one which applies the construct of civilization into the company. Each organisation must be treated like one should handle disparities – non by making infinites and nothingnesss between these differences but by seeking to come up with a same set of thoughts and norms that everyone would hold upon. Mentions Burman. E. ( N. D. ) Managing Cultural Diversity in a Global World. Workinfo. com. Retrieved November 20. 2007. from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. workinfo. com/free/Downloads/299. htm Fast Company ( N. D. ) What Does the Future Look Like? Retrieved November 20. 2007. from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. fastcompany. com/ftalk/london/future. hypertext markup language Holstein. W. J. ( 2004 ) . Making the Executive Suite A Mirror of Global Markets.New York Times. ( Late Edition ( East Coast ) ) . New York. N. Y. : Jul 4. 2004. pg. 3. 8 Retrieved November 20. 2007. from hypertext transfer protocol: //query. nytimes. com/gst/fullpage. hypertext markup language? res=9A0DE7DA1E38F937A35754C0A9629C8B63 Nellen. T. ( 1997 ) Notes onOrganizational Culture A ; Leadershipby E. A. Schein. Retrieved November 20. 2007. from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. tnellen. com/ted/tc/schein. hypertext markup language Zatz. D. ( 1994 ) Organizational Culture. Toolpak Consulting. Retrieved November 20. 2007. from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. toolpack. com/culture. hypertext markup language